tHe WiLlIs ToWeR

tHe WiLlIs ToWeR
The tall building in this picture is the "Willis Tower", named after a London insurance company tenant that signed a small lease paying $14.50 a sq.ft. during the Great Deleveraging Crisis of 2009! It was formally know as the Sears Tower. Call me old, but its the Sears Tower to me!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Revised Guidance for Underwriting of LEAN 232 Loans for Assisted Living Projects:

Given the difficult economic and fiscal environment nationally, the Department is requesting that HUD approved Mortgagees exercise caution in underwriting loans under the LEAN Section 232 programs for new construction and refinance transactions for assisted living facilities. For all Assisted Living Project LEAN mortgage insurance applications under Section 223(f), Section 232 new construction and substantial rehabilitation, and Section 241(a), HUD will require justification/mitigation if the underwritten debt service coverage ratio (“DSCR”) is less than 1.45. Moreover, as was previously discussed with various lenders in June of 2008, for all LEAN mortgage insurance applications involving new construction of Assisted Living units, HUD will require justification/mitigation if the underwritten loan to value is greater than 75%.

The Department would consider, for example, a mitigating factor to be the inclusion of less expensive independent living units in the project or the presence of facility residents that are being provided with state or federal rental assistance subsidies. The Department’s review of mitigating factors will focus on any project specific attributes that result in limiting project market risk or in reducing project financial risk. The Department will be reasonable and flexible in determining where justifiable circumstances or mitigating factors exist.

Additional Guidance on the Use of Project Capitalization Rates:

The Department would like to provide general guidance regarding the usage of capitalization rates for Assisted Living projects. HUD believes that the capitalization rate should be a true reflection of conditions in the marketplace and the specific risks associated with a project. The Department is particularly concerned with the use (in some cases) of an approximate “risk free” capitalization rate for Assisted Living projects. The Department is not mandating a minimum capitalization rate. However, HUD may require justification/mitigation on Assisted Living projects if the capitalization rate used by the appraiser appears not to fully account for specific project and market related risks. This capitalization rate issue should be fully discussed in the Lender Narrative of the LEAN Application.

The Department believes that, in most but not all economic environments, the following debt service constant formula (Debt Service Constant + FHA MIP) multiplied by 1.25 would reflect reasonable guidance for the “minimum” capitalization rate for a proposed project. HUD would expect that the market realities of each project would dictate the capitalization rate to be used, which may be higher than the minimum formula. HUD does not wish to impose requirements for determining the capitalization rate and will defer to the USPAP appraisal standards to provide the definitive guidance on this issue. The Department’s guidance on capitalization rates is not mandatory and the Department understands that this guidance may not be as helpful as a guide when market and economic conditions are either highly optimistic or overly conservative and/or when the interest rate environment reflects unusually low or high project interest rates.

Example for calculating Cap Rate: 7% fixed interest rate plus the MIP of 50 basis points. {.0746+.50bp MIP=.0796*1.25=.0995 or 9.95%}. In this example, the minimum capitalization rate “guidance” is 9.95.
The revised guidance relative to the debt service coverage ratio, loan to value, and capitalization rates for assisted living projects shall apply to any future application for mortgage insurance where an FHA Project Number is issued after February 6, 2009. Alternatively, if the FHA number has not been issued but a project appraisal is underway, FHA will accept the lower DSCR of 1.3 for refinancing and 1.35 for new construction if an appraisal engagement letter was executed prior to February 6, 2009, and if appraisals using the lower DSCRs are finalized and provided to HUD prior to April 6, 2009. On projects that do not meet this revised guidance (where the FHA Project Number was issued on or prior to February 6, 2009) the Lender should provide a notification in the Check Transmittal Letter and Lender Narrative of the mortgage insurance application that provides for the discussion of the appraisal lender modifications.

Please note that the previous guidance on loan to value and debt service coverage on Section 232/223(f)’s for Skilled Nursing and Independent Living Facilities have not been revised.

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The only thing good about mass redemtions is the Ponzi Schemes come to light. Via 2008

The only thing good about mass redemtions is the Ponzi Schemes come to light. Via 2008
I know my Madoff Investment didn't work so well, at least we still have those high yielding Stanford Group Guaranteed CD's and the Koch Brothers will soon be in charge, then all will be well:)

These do not represent our Commercial Loans yet.

These do not represent our Commercial Loans yet.
Subject to loss of collateral due to time travel

Seasonal Tennancy

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August 2007 and July 2011

August 2007 and July 2011
Bank/Man Made Crisis in Financial Markets 1. Financial 2. GOP Made Crisis

Environment Issues

FHA Healthcare and Apartment Finance Headline Animator

Represents Happy Loan Customer:

Represents Happy Loan Customer:
Some are not as happy. some are happier!

Work History - Highlights

Kendall Financial Services - Kendall Mortage Company became FHA multifamily and healthcare lender. Lost our on business to co-insurance which then was closed due to actions by a few crazy lenders that we don't talk about any more. Also did alot of loans with savings and loans that are out business due S & L crisis

Merchants Mortgage - Rosemont IL. Closed Office one week after I joined, sold bank soon, my one day Boss became President of P and R Mortgage the following week.

Washington Capital - Good firm became Capri Capital and then mortgage company was sold to some other huge bank that now has gobs of federal bailout money.

Federal National Mortgage Company - I did multifamily affordable housing, DUS lender loan reviews, MBS pool reviews, Tax Credit Investment Site Inspections and a few DUS lender approvals. Good conservative firm with good multifamily underwriting standards, single family was conservative in those days but the old conservative guys never made to the top over those young MBA's with those great hedging ideas and sub-prime loan aspirations. Now government owned.

Arbor - Greystone - Kensington Realty Advisors -Evanston Financial arranging FHA - FNMA DUS - Freddie Mac - Apartment Senior Housing and Healthcare Loans, Office Buildings, Retail and single family development deals. Equity, loans and mezzanine debt. Conduit deals tell Ugly August 2007.

Kendal, England

Kendal, England
At the dale on the river Ken


Chicago Real Estate

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fha lean lender 2

Apartment Construction Lender 2

Kendall Realty Advisors

FHA 221d4

Apartment Loans



Origin: Teutonic; French; Latin

(Locality). Derived from the town of Kendal, in Westmoreland, England, and was so called from the river Ken, on which it is situated, and dale; the dale on the river Ken.

About US:

Our knowledgeable team at Kendall Realty Advisors has worked in the mortgage banking/investment banking industry for the past 24 years specializing in healthcare lending, multifamily housing, FHA and FNMA insured loans. Throughout our careers, we have originated and/or underwritten in excess of $745,000,000 in mortgage loans with a focus on apartments, assisted living facilities, senior housing, and skilled nursing facilities. Previously our team has worked for several NY-based investment banking/mortgage banking firm specializing in conventional and government-assisted loans. Chuck has been president of a FHA mortgage company and a developer. Scott was the VP of Origination for several FHA and FNMA lenders. He has extensive experience working on affordable housing as the Midwest Loan Officer for FNMA Multifamily Affordable Housing Products. We understand that the integrity of the loan officer for the loan quote and rate pricing can make a huge difference for FHA clients.

Contact us anytime, We look forward to your call.

Scott Kendall
(847) 903-7578

Chuck Kendall
(773) 259-7074


Apartment Lender

East of Pearl - Portland, OR

East of Pearl - Portland, OR
Financing arranged by Scott Kendall

KendallRealtyAdvisors _ Home

FHA232/223f LEAN Refinance

FHA 232 New Construciton

FHA 232 Non Profit Owner

Apartment 221(d)(4) New Construction

Apartment 223(f) refinance

Freddie Mac Fannie Mae


We are aligned with the leading FHA 232 Lean Lender.


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Chicago, IL - Evanston - IL


Healthcare and Apartment Loan Programs


HEALTHCARE LOANS Assisted Living - Nursing Home

NEW FHA 242/223(f) Hospital Loan Refinance 20% or less Rehab

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