Kendall Realty Advisors are specialist in affordable multifamily rental housing financing. As the prices of multifamily rental housing continues to rise and the loan rates for affordable housing developments goes down, more deals can be converted to low income housing owned by either with Volume Cap Tax-Exempt bonds with 4% LIHTC or 501(c) non-profit tax-exempt bond financing.
We are currently working on transactions using 4% LIHTC and Volume Cap Bonds, but if the cap rates continue to fall 501(c) bond financing using FHA without 4% credits will also become more popular. As non-profit owners are able to justify tax-exempt first mortgage and B-Bond transactions once again.
Apartment Lender APARTMENT Loan Rates FHA 223f FNMA DUS FNMA Small
Apartment Loans: Apartment Loan Rates FHA 223 F FNMA DUS slightly l...
Apartment Lender APARTMENT Loan Rates FHA 223f FNMA DUS FNMA Small
Apartment Loans: Apartment Loan Rates FHA 223 F FNMA DUS slightly l...: 847
903- 7578 Sc...
10 years ago